Senior Citizen

Someone's Gotta Do It: Monologues with Forward Theater

Chances are, you’ve had one – more than one. They can be inspiring, terrifying, tedious, nauseating, and profound.  Jobs.   Jobs put food on our tables, roofs over our heads, and (sometimes) anxiety in our hearts.

The Someone's Gotta Do It monologues introduce you to characters telling their work stories: the exhilarating, the necessary, and the outlandishly absurd.

Out of the Fire: The Banned Books Monologues with Forward Theater

Forward Theater Company has been performing monologues in the libraries since 2010 and audiences continue to ask for more! Every other year, Forward puts out a call for original monologues based on a common theme. The best twelve are chosen and performed by professional actors in a weekend of shows at Overture Center. Those same actors (and monologues) are available to perform at your library.



Play Club with Forward Theater: I And You

Play Clubs:  I and You

Play Club is part book club, part performance experience.  This program presents the opportunity to explore a play in depth through guided discussion, performance of scenes by actors, and discussion with director and actors. Participants will gain a new perspective on what makes a play work and how it is brought to life on stage.

Participants will sign up at the library for Play Club and will receive a copy of the play, I and You by Lauren Gunderson, to read prior to Play Club.  

Play Club with Forward Theater: I And You

Play Clubs:  I and You

Play Club is part book club, part performance experience.  This program presents the opportunity to explore a play in depth through guided discussion, performance of scenes by actors, and discussion with director and actors. Participants will gain a new perspective on what makes a play work and how it is brought to life on stage.

Participants will sign up at the library for Play Club and will receive a copy of the play, I and You by Lauren Gunderson, to read prior to Play Club.  

Reading and Lecture by Karla Huston, 2017-18 Wisconsin Poet Laureate

The Middleton Public Library will welcome 2017-2018 Wisconsin Poet Laureate Karla Huston on Thursday, September 7th, for a poetry reading and book signing. Huston is the author of eight chapbooks of poems, the latest entitled Grief Bone, (Five Oaks Press), as well as a full collection, A Theory of Lipstick (Main Street Rag Publications). Huston’s work has garnered numerous awards, including a Pushcart Prize for the poem “Theory of Lipstick.” She received an Outstanding Achievement Award from the Wisconsin Library Association for her collection of the same title.

Wisconsin Film Festival Pop Up! Things to Come

“Pop Up!” screenings will feature full length international festival films with discussions led by UWMadison & other local humanities experts who will connect themes addressed in the films with Wisconsin’s multicultural communities.

Film:  Things to Come (France)

A philosophy teacher soldiers through the death of her mother, getting fired from her job, and dealing with a husband who is cheating on her.