Senior Citizen

Punishing the Poor: Criminalizing Poverty, Understanding Race and Criminal Justice in Wisconsin

Understanding Race and Criminal Justice in Wisconsin will provide graphical displays of trends in imprisonment and arrest in Wisconsin including comparisons between Wisconsin and the rest of the country and comparisons of different areas in Wisconsin. Pamela Oliver will discuss the various explanations for these patterns in the racial-political history of Wisconsin and the nation and will invite the audience to ask questions and contribute their ideas.

Punishing the Poor: Criminalizing Poverty, Understanding Race and Criminal Justice in Wisconsin

Understanding Race and Criminal Justice in Wisconsin will provide graphical displays of trends in imprisonment and arrest in Wisconsin including comparisons between Wisconsin and the rest of the country and comparisons of different areas in Wisconsin. Pamela Oliver will discuss the various explanations for these patterns in the racial-political history of Wisconsin and the nation and will invite the audience to ask questions and contribute their ideas.

Learning to Stay Play Club

Play Club extends a successful Forward Theater Co. program into the library world.  Through Play Club, participants receive a copy of FTC's current play to read, after which participants engage in discussion, which includes watching live scene work of the play by actors working with a director.  Participants will have the opportunity to engage in conversation with one another and the performers to reach a greater understanding of the play, its issues and struggles, and how a piece is brought from a written work to life.

Ballet Saturday

Enjoy a piece from the upcoming Alice in Wonderland ballet, performed by Dance Wisconsin. Learn about costuming, choreography and how the sets are design to tell the Alice in Wonderland story. Following the presentation, dancers will teach children the "butterfly" dance from the ballet. 

9:30 - 10am
Social time with light refreshments, art projects and library book display

10 - 11am
Alice in Wonderland Presentation

Ukulele Classes

Learn to play the ukulele! Classes are Tuesday evenings from 6-7pm. Taught by Prairie Music and Arts. There is no fee for this program-- classes are sponsored by the Beyond the Page endowment fund. Bring your instrument if you can! We will help you tune it. We do have a few ukuleles you can borrow.


DATES: Jan: 17, 24, 31 and Feb: 7, 14, 21.

Ukulele Classes

Learn to play the ukulele! Classes are Tuesday evenings from 6-7pm. Taught by Prairie Music and Arts. There is no fee for this program-- classes are sponsored by the Beyond the Page endowment fund. Bring your instrument if you can! We will help you tune it. We do have a few ukuleles you can borrow.


DATES: Jan: 17, 24, 31 and Feb: 7, 14, 21.