Book Discussion

Teen Book Discussion: Stuck On Earth

The mission is simple: travel to Planet Earth, inhabit the body of an average teenager, and determine if the human race should be annihilated.

Join us discussing David Klass’s book Stuck On Earth an engrossing look at true friends, truer enemies, and awkward alien first kisses.

For teens in grades 6 and up.

Visit the 2nd Floor Information Desk for a copy of the book.

Sherlock Week: Stop Hounding Me: the influence of Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes

Read The Hound of the Baskervilles and join us in discussing the novel.

Library Director Richard MacDonald will cover the influence of Edgar Allen Poe on Conan Doyle, and Doyle’s influence on the development of the mystery genre.  We'll also discuss how Sherlock has continued to appear in literature over the years.

Copies of the book will be available on the second floor of the library.

No registration necessary.

A door prize will be given away!

Book Discussion of Everything You Wanted to Know About Indians but Were Afraid to Ask

Come join us for a discussion of the book Everything You Wanted to Know about Indians but Were Afraid to Ask by Anton Truer.  Discussion leader: David O’Connor.

David O’Connor (Bad River Ojibwe) is the American Indian Studies Consultant at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. In David’s role, he supports school districts’ efforts to provide instruction on Wisconsin American Indian history, culture, tribal sovereignty, also known as American Indian Studies & Wisconsin Act 31, and the education of American Indian students.