
Writing Workshop: Loud 'n Unchained Theater Company

We All Queer
a writing workshop and community conversation on why we all queer and how queerness saves the world!

Loud ‘n’ Unchained Theater company presents a series of writing workshops and open mic events centering Black, Indigenous and POC, Queer, Trans and Disabled writers and authors.

Presenters request that all participants wear masks while in the space.

November 11 6-8pm Open Mic Night (feat. chalchiuhkoatl with Natalia and music by DJ Pearl Marshall)

November 12 12-1:30pm Writing Workshop (feat. chalchiuhkoatl)

Presenter Bio:

Painted Man Country Dance

How does popular Country music, with its vivid imagery of small-town life and winding backroads connect to the ongoing struggle for equity occurring in our larger cities and counties? Join Country Swing Dance coach, David Hunt, as he explores how these separate experiences intertwine.

Writing Workshop: Loud 'n Unchained Theater Company

Program Description:

Loud ‘n’ Unchained Theater company presents a series of writing workshops and open mic events centering Black, Indigenous and POC, Queer, Trans and Disabled writers and authors. Each open mic will feature a new QTBIPoC Disabled artist and and Live DJ. Sign up in advance to read or show up by 5:45 to sign up to read!

October 13 5:45-7:45pm Writing Workshop (feat. T.S. Banks)