Performing Arts

The Love That Changed My Life: Monologues with Forward Theater

Forward Theater Company has been performing monologues in the libraries since 2010, and audiences continue to ask for more! Every other year, Forward puts out a call for original monologues based on a common theme. The best twelve are chosen and performed by professional actors in a weekend of shows at Overture Center. And those same actors (and monologues) are available to perform at your library.

Someone's Gotta Do It: Monologues with Forward Theater

Chances are, you’ve had one – more than one. They can be inspiring, terrifying, tedious, nauseating, and profound.  Jobs.   Jobs put food on our tables, roofs over our heads, and (sometimes) anxiety in our hearts.


The Someone's Gotta Do It monologues introduce you to characters telling their work stories: the exhilarating, the necessary, and the outlandishly absurd.