In 2016, veteran humorist and public radio show personality, John Moe began to produce podcasts called the Hilarious World of Depression. A show about clinical depression...with laughs? Well, yeah. Depression is an incredibly common and isolating disease experienced by millions, yet often stigmatized by society. The Hilarious World of Depression is a series of frank, moving, and, yes, funny conversations with top comedians who have dealt with this disease. Joined by guests such as Maria Bamford, Paul F. Tompkins, Andy Richter, and Jen Kirkman, John Moe gives us opportunities to learn how they’ve dealt with depression and managed to laugh along the way. The Hilarious World of Depression is not medical treatment and should not be seen as a substitute for therapy or medication. This presentation will feature Mr. Moe relating some of the highlights of his series and discuss the role of podcasts in reaching people with his message.