Sun Prairie Public Library (1350 Linnerud Dr)
Family Story Time: Telling Our Stories & Resources for Families
- Latino Resources for the community
- Bilingual Storytime for kids and adults!
- Connect with your neighbors and discover the joys of Sun Prairie Public Library
Cuentos para Toda la Familia: Noche de Recursos
- Mesa de Recursos
- Cuentos para toda la familia
- Familiarizarte con la biblioteca
- Premios para aquellos que nos acompaƱen
Presenter: Araceli Esparza / Midwest Mujeres
Araceli Esparza is a poet and connector for equity-building campaigns in the nonprofit industry she actively supports diverse leaders in Black and Latina communities. She was born and raised in Madison, WI; her parents were migrant farmworkers from Guanajuato, Mexico, from whom she still gathers her strength. You can read more about her here: www.araceliesparza.com
This program is part of the Ripple Project, a year-long series of free humanities programs focused on racial equity and social justice in the Dane County public libraries. Learn more at www.beyondthepage.info/ripple-project The Ripple Project is sponsored by Beyond the Page, National Endowment for the Humanities, and Madison Community Foundation.

Sponsoring Library
Event Audience