Loud ‘n’ Unchained Theater company presents a series of writing workshops and open mic events centering Black, Indigenous and POC, Queer, Trans and Disabled writers and authors. Each open mic will feature a new QTBIPoC Disabled artist and and Live DJ. Sign up in advance to read or show up by 5:45 to sign up at to read!
Sign up link: https://forms.gle/77JFVpR8VKWNosJ89
Presenters request that all participants wear masks while in the space.
November 11 6-8pm Open Mic Night (feat. chalchiuhkoatl with Natalia and music by DJ Pearl Marshall)
November 12 12-1:30pm Writing Workshop (feat. chalchiuhkoatl)
Theme: We All Queer (Love, Joy and Pride)
Presenter Bio:
chalchiuhkoatl (they/them) is a two-spirit indigequeer of maaya, german, and danish heritage. parent, poet, and student of Indigenous agriculture and herbalism, they are a community bearthworker and abortion doula, medicine maker and visionary of hamaca nepantlera. they've most recently been weaving a webwork of two-spirit, queer, trans, nonbinary and gender expansive (2SQTNBGE) BIPoC farming kin at minowakiing. chalchi loves planting milpas, a traditional polyculture of their heritage, as well as medicinal gardens centering Indigenous plants of the bioregion. chalchi's recent poetry and song has focused on self-love, healing, and nurturing relation with their younger self. their fb page is "hamaca nepantlera," and they down for email, too: quetzallida [at] gmail.com
This event is part of the Ripple Project, a year-long series of free humanities programs focused on equity in the Dane County public libraries. Learn more at www.beyondthepage.info/ripple-project